2016 Coffee With the Authors Schedule
Here’s our 2016 schedule for Coffee With the Authors events. Don’t forget, unless noted these are all free events, but seating is limited so you need a reservation. You can hold your spot by clicking here and adding Coffee With the Authors to your cart. If you haven’t been to one of our author presentations yet, please come! It’s always insightful. Time: Thursdays, 10 to 11 a.m. (Note exception Oct. 13)
March 10. Jeanne Maxon with Lady (Becoming Lady) A rescued Golden Retriever’s journey from lonely to loved. Lady gives hope and purpose to all who are now, or someday will be, half of a foster partnership. Lady will be attending the presentation.
April 14. Diane DeVaughn Stokes (Floating On Air: A Broadcasting Love Affair) This book will make you laugh and cry with radio and TV interviews in the Myrtle Beach/Florence market. Diane hosts a daily show in the evenings on 105.9 FM. Come out and listen to her entertaining presentation.
May 12. Troy D. Nooe (Long-Legged Rosie: Murder in Myrtle Beach) Baltimore trouble follows Frankie McKeller to the beach in the person of Rosie, a doll with a history as long as her fabulous gams. This book was a finalist for the Shamus Award from the Private Eye Writers of America.
Sept. 8. Jen Purcell (The Nurse Whisperer and The Dirty Mermaid) After suffering an allergic reaction at work, an RN wakes up and discovers that she is actually dead and trapped in the emergency room! In The Dirty Mermaid, we will find out what the mermaid is up to!
Oct. 13. Dr. Debra Reble. (Being Love) We are hosting a launching party for the relationship expert/psychologist’s new book, which is a call to experience a homecoming to our hearts, our relationships, and our world through the powerful energy of love. Please note time: 4 to 6 p.m.
Nov. 10. Jane Dill (Flora’s Wreath) Only recently has the daring and dangerous mission of these four Victorian era women been revealed. You are invited to enter and read what they have to tell.
Dec. 8. Eleanor Haley Selph (Hamburger & Milkshake: Amazing Journey of a Southern Belle) This unique autobiography shares experiences and miracles that help readers of all ages to better understand their purposes as human beings.
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