Gallery features ‘Farm to Table’ group show; reception Nov. 2
UPDATE: Artist Janet B. Sessoms won Best In Show for Island Tractor, oil painting.
Sunset River Marketplace, the eclectic art gallery in Calabash, NC is presenting Farm to Table, a group exhibition featuring 40-plus artists with works in oil, watercolor, photography, acrylic, fiber, and clay. All pieces reflect the Farm to Table theme. A reception on Nov. 2 from 5 to 7 p.m. will also emphasize the theme.
Says gallery owner Ginny Lassiter, “This is the first time we’ve presented a show like this and we’re all excited about it. We have artwork that ranges from folk art to fine oil paintings. The table top presentations are going to be a lot of fun. I hope we have a good turnout for the reception because I think the Farm to Table twist is really going to be something special.”
Show awards include Best In Show ($100), which will be announced prior to the reception and People’s Choice ($50 gift certificate to Sunset River Marketplace) that will be awarded at the exhibition’s end. Works by Sunset River Marketplace staff are not eligible for the Best In Show honor.
Sunset River Marketplace showcases work by approximately 150 North and South Carolina artists, and houses some 10,000 square feet of oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, mixed media, art glass, fabric art, pottery, sculpture, turned and carved wood and artisan-created jewelry.
There are two onsite kilns and four wheels used by students in the ongoing pottery classes offered by the gallery. There are realistic and abstract art classes as well as workshops by nationally and regionally known artists. During select months, the gallery hosts Coffee With the Authors, a series of presentations by local and regional authors. The gallery address is: 10283 Beach Drive SW, Calabash, NC 28467. Hours are Monday – Saturday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. For more information, call 910.575.5999 or visit the website at www.staging.careful-crib.flywheelsites.com. Daily updates are available on the gallery’s Facebook page.
Participating Artists in the Farm to Table show
Sue Bark, oil; Roseann Bellinger, oil, charcoal;Rita Bennett, clay; Jeanette Billie, watercolor; Chris Bloom, oil; Kathy Britt, acrylic; Allie Cathey, pastel; Ruth Cox, oil; Georgia Dalzell, acrylic;Claudia Dowd, clay; Katherine Duckworth, acrylic; Kathleen Durstewitz, watercolor; Maureen Gassman, photography; Louise Gerber, clay; Sherry Godfrey, clay, kokedama; Charles Gray, oil; Beth Hill, acrylic; Justin Holdren; acrylic; Dianne Hutchinson, acrylic; Kathy Hutchinson, clay, watercolor, glass; Sue King, clay; Beryl Kirkpatrick, pastel; Bryan Krpejs, watercolor; Deb Lathem, clay, glass ;Ginny Lassiter, acrylic; Becky Lee, acrylic; Babs Ludwick, mixed media; Patricia Lyles, mixed media; Audrey McBride, clay; Nancy McClure, oil; Judi Moore, watercolor; Vicki Neilon, acrylic, watercolor; Janel Payeski, oil; Stella M. Provenzano, photography, watercolor; Brenda Riggins, watercolor;Rosalee Rockafellow, clay; Janet B. Sessoms, oil; Mary E. Smith, oil; Rachel Sunnell, acrylic; Erna Tunno, watercolor; Wes Wagner, wood; Celia Wester, oil; Pat White, oil; Betty Ann Wilmots, clay; Kathie Wolk, clay
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