More Regional Artists - Cristiana Rioli

Cary, NC

Cristiana Rioli

mixed media

Cristiana Rioli has found her voice in non-objective painting inspired by urban landscapes, marine scenes, and piles of objects. Her style consists of combining mixed media techniques in acrylic, soft and oil pastels with collage bits on texturized surfaces. The result is a harmonious, joyful composition with vibrant colors.

Cristiana is an artist living and working in North Carolina. Originally from Italy, where she completed her studies in the classic fiend (Greek, Latin, History of Arts), she recently moved to the United States where, in the last eight years, developed her passion for abstract painting.

Cristiana considers herself as a self-taught artist inspired by Helen Frankenthaler, Elaine Daily-Birnbaum, and Tatyana Grosman’s expressionism. She established her style through experimentation and attending various art workshops with nationally acclaimed artists (Joe DiGiulio, Sterling Edwards, Pamela Caughey, Nancy Hillis).

Artist Statement

Painting is my therapy. As humans, we need to analyze, organize and understand our emotions and fears, and using a canvas as a vehicle for introspection is particularly effective to me. My art is based on love, acceptance, and forgiveness. I use my inner voice and feelings to paint. Through them, I project my inspirations and forge the perfect balance of colors, shapes, and lights.