Call for Artists – Farm to Table exhibition – entry deadline Sept. 15

In response to recent artist feedback, we are introducing a new event here at Sunset River Marketplace – one that we hope will engage both artists and visitors to the gallery! It’s a cash prize exhibition titled Farm to Table. We are excited about it and hope you will participate. (Big thank you to oil painter Ruth Cox for the use of her beautiful painting!) Please call the gallery at 910.575.5999 with any questions!

Event Details
Exhibition Theme: Farm to Table
Dates: Nov. 2 – Dec. 1, 2018
Reception: Nov. 2, 2018, 5 – 7 p.m.

We are seeking artists in all media with works that depict the theme. This might be paintings of farm scenes or even livestock, or still lifes of wine and fruit. For artists working in clay or glass, etc. it includes glasses, goblets, plates, platters, bowls, mugs, table settings and serving pieces as well as wall hangings– as long as the wall hangings depict the Farm to Table show theme.

Fees & Commission
Artists keep 70% of selling price with 30% going to the gallery. Artist checks will be written by Dec. 15th. Entrance fees are as follows:

2D (including wall hangings)
A. Longest side up to 12 inches $5 per piece
B. Longest side from 12+ to 24 inches $10 per piece
C. Longest side from 24+ to 42 inches $20 per piece
D. Longest side over 42 inches $25 per piece

Note: All 2D pieces must be wired and framed (except in the case of gallery wrap canvases). No saw tooth hangers please.

E. Mugs, glasses, small plates, small $5 for 1 – 8 pieces
bowls (for example, 4-inch bread plates)

F. Medium size plates, serving pieces, $10 for 1 – 8 pieces
baking pieces, etc. (for example, 8-or 10-inch
dinner plates and serving bowls

G. Large platters, serving pieces $10 for 1 – 3 pieces

H. Wall hangings (clay, fiber, wood etc) Same as 2D

Advertising & PR
Farm to Table will be advertised in print and online. The event will be featured on the gallery’s website page as well as on Facebook and Instagram. We hope participating artists will do the same on your own social media accounts.

Best in Show $100
People’s Choice $50 gift certificate

Because space is limited and we need to know show content ahead of time, all entries will be juried by gallery owner Ginny Lassiter. We ask that you preregister by Sept. 15, 2018.

Simply send an email to including photos of the work you intend to enter with title, medium, size and retail price . In the case of 3D pieces, please take group photos when possible. Attached is a Worksheet PDF file. You can use this to list your items OR you can simply follow the format and type your info directly into the email. We’ve also included a Sample Worksheet to help you. 3D artists can use entire sheet if necessary. Entry fees will be paid at art drop off.

Worksheet -From Farm to Table

Sample Worksheet

Drop Off & Pickup

Drop Off 2D
Monday, Oct. 29, 2018
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Drop Off 3D
Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2018
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Pick Up 2D & 3D
Monday, Dec. 3, 2018
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.


Sunset River Marketplace, 10283 Beach Dr SW, Calabash, NC 28467