Jan. – July 2016 Paint & Party Schedule

Paint & Party is a fun time where you can uncork your creativity and your favorite wine in a friendly atmosphere with no pressure to stay inside the lines! We paint in acrylic paint on canvas, easy peasy. No experience is necessary, just a little imagination.  You don’t have to be an “artist” to create a beautiful piece of art! These fun evenings are ideal for a girls’ night out, family reunions, bridal events, convention extras and more. Come with your besties or fly solo and make new friends. You can sign up on the Paint & Party tab as soon as the event is added, or call the gallery at 910.575.5999.

Here’s our schedule through July. Unless otherwise noted, these are all Wednesday evenings, from 5:30 – 7:30. We’ll be adding each to the website’s Paint & Party tab as we complete images, but we wanted to make sure you have the preliminary list in the meantime:

Jan. 13 Marsh Scene

Jan. 27 Abstract

Feb.10 We ♥ Art

Feb. 24 Sailboat

Mar. 9 Palm Tree

Mar. 23 Beachscape

Apr. 6 Umbrella Girl

Apr. 20 Mermaid

May 4 Daisies for Mom

May 18 Beach Houses

Jun. 1 Dragonfly

Jun. 15 Beach Signs

Jul. 6 Kindred Spirit Mailbox

Jul. 20 Fish Design

Don’t forget to check back on the Paint & Party tab. That’s where we’ll add images and update the calendar! See you soon!