2017 Winter-Spring Paint & Party Schedule
Paint & Party is a fun time where you can uncork your creativity and your favorite wine in a friendly atmosphere with no pressure to stay inside the lines! No experience is necessary, just a little imagination. You don’t have to be an “artist” to create a beautiful piece of art! Bring your best pals or come on your own and make new friends! We’re a friendly bunch! Private parties available!
Bring your own beverage and we’ll provide everything else – canvas, paint, brushes, aprons, snacks and glasses! Unless otherwise noted, these are Wednesday evenings from 5:30 – 7:30. You can sign up online (www.staging.careful-crib.flywheelsites.com . Click on the Paint & Party tab) or call the gallery (910.575.5999). (This is a tentative schedule. Images, details and more dates will be published on the website shortly.)
Jan. 11 Stylized Vases
Jan. 25 Birdie
Feb. 8 Valentine
Feb. 22 Rowboat & Dock
Mar. 15 Red Poppies (Note: this is a new date!)
Mar. 22 Fashion
Apr. 12 Beach Scene
Apr. 19 Cupcakes
May 3 Shore Birds
May 17 Yoga
May 31 Old Truck
Sunset River Marketplace
10283 Beach Drive SW (NC 179) | Calabash, NC 28467
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