Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Who doesn’t love a Great White Egret? Now you can get right up close as you paint your own. This will be a fun night, and don’t worry, Janie will take you through it, stroke by stroke (or in this case, feather by feather!) Let’s Paint & Party!
What is Paint & Party?
Paint & Party is a fun time where you can uncork your creativity and your favorite wine in a friendly atmosphere with no pressure to stay inside the lines! No experience is necessary, just a little imagination. You don’t have to be an “artist” to create a beautiful piece of art! We supply paints, canvases,etc. Everything but your beverage, that’s up to you! Bring your best pals or come on your own and make new friends! We’re a friendly bunch!