Regional Artists - Kathleen Stuart

Ocean Isle Beach, NC

Kathleen Stuart


Kathleen V Stuart is both a fiber artist and an encaustic artist moving between both mediums and sometimes combining the two. Her fiber work is done with hand dyed fabrics, commercial fabrics and fused paper which is then machine stitched and hand embellished with threads, fibers and wire. Her encaustic work is a combination of pigments and mixed media on wood panel.

Stuart’s art is a reflection of her love of nature. She uses photographs she takes on travels as inspiration for her trees, leaves and capricious flowers. Her work is purely beauty for the sake of beauty…no hidden messages or hidden agendas.

Originally from Regina, Saskatchewan and now living in Ocean Isle Beach, Kathleen has twelve pieces of her fiber art in the permanent collection of SAIC in Chicago. Some of her most recent awards and juried acceptances are: 2023 Artfields - Juried for “Fading to Fall”, 2023 WACG Juried Show - Honorable Mention, 2023 Seacoast Art Show - Best of Show, 2024 Seacoast Art Show - 2nd Place for “Magic”, and 2024 WACG Juried Show - Honorable Mention.

Artist Statement

As someone with too many ideas and not enough time, I have had to put restrictions on my work..fiber and encaustic. I have found that limiting my focus has helped me improve in both areas.

Fiber is very tactile and in that arena, I try to create the natural world by molding and shaping fibers into trees, mushrooms and leaves that encourages the viewer to come closer and touch because it looks real. My encaustic work is primarily 2D, however I do incorporate mixed media such as books to make 3D pieces. Combining both mediums to create work that is both soft and hard is my newest venture.